Schipio provides a high quality internet phone system for our customers, please read on to find out more about the service we have on offer.


Answer anywhere

In the office? On the train? At the beach? Schipio Phone lets you answer your calls wherever you’d like, on any device.

Look the business

Using your mobile for work calls? A dedicated business phone number from Schipio makes you look like the real deal.

No contract

Sign up for free for as little or as long as you like. And, you can add or remove features at any time with no extra fees.

No need to change your phone number.

We don’t want you to worry about losing business because you’ve changed your phone number. That’s why we make it simple for you to move your existing phone number from your current provider over to our network.

It’s called porting and in most cases we can arrange to move your number in as little as 10 working days.

Once we’ve helped you out with this you’ll be able to take your number with you wherever you go in the world and you’ll be saving money on line rental costs forever more.

hbuHosted by us

No need for expensive equipment and no ugly wires. Schipio Phone is hosted by us in the cloud, allowing you the freedom to work from anywhere - without the hassle or limitations of a traditional phone system.

no commitmentNo commitment

We don’t tie our customers into long-term contracts - we believe in providing a service so good we don’t have to. Sign up for as long as you like and add or remove features at any time, without additional fees.

free callsFree calls on our network

Calls to other users on the Schipio network are completely free, regardless of location. Save on calls between offices and employees, as well as to other customers, anywhere in the world.

controlYou're in control

Easily manage your account from anywhere with our sleek and easy to use portal. Created with simplicity in mind, our system is easy to set up and puts you in control.

Why not head over to our dedicated hosting page here and sign up now